Eye doctors have, over the years, perfected comprehensive eye tests to ensure that they can detect many common visual issues affecting people. Through comprehensive tests, they can determine what prescriptive eyewear their patient needs to have near-perfect vision.
Many visual conditions are easy to correct with eyewear or surgery. However, eye doctors cannot correct all visual conditions. The conditions that can’t be corrected by eyewear or surgery are categorized as low vision.
Low vision can occur due to several causes, significantly affecting the quality of life. Most people legally categorized as blind often do not have complete vision loss. Most of them suffer from severe low vision.
So, how do you know your child or a family member has low vision? Read on to learn more about low vision, its evaluation, and its devices.
If you have other vision disorders, you may be more susceptible to developing low vision. These may be glaucoma, cataracts, diabetic retinopathy, or macular degeneration. If your child or a family member has any of these conditions, it would be best to take them for a low vision evaluation.
A low vision evaluation is often performed by eye doctors specializing in low vision. Through it, they can detect what form of low vision a patient has. They can determine how to improve the patient's functional visual ability. A comprehensive visual exam will take about two to three times longer than a normal exam.
Eye doctors can use several strategies to improve the visual ability of their patients. Some of the most common are using bigger print, specific low vision optical devices, and improving the lighting conditions. They can also use special training for vision rehabilitation to improve the patient's ability to cope in the world.
All these strategies aim to improve the functional vision that a patient already has. And for them to work, the doctor and their team will need to assess the patient's emotional state. If the patient is willing to learn new ways of coping in the world, the rehabilitation is likely to be successful. It is also important that the patient has a good support system.
Low vision evaluation is designed to achieve very specific goals. These are:
Consider the visual demands of the patient
Assesses ocular health
Detect and identify the cause of the low vision
Provide clinical assessment
Improve and maintain existing visual function
Improve the patient's performance using rehabilitation services and LVA or low vision aids
Optometric intervention and rehabilitation
Education and counseling of the patient support system members
The devices that eye doctors use to correct low vision vary between patients. Patient lifestyle and needs influence the low vision devices. The devices are divided into two categories, near and distance optical devices. Here are some common low vision correction devices that eye doctors can recommend for their patients.
Stand magnifiers
Handheld magnifiers
Magnifying reading glasses
Clip-on loupes
Telemicroscope glasses
For more on low vision evaluation and devices, visit Nina J Cox, OD PC, at our North Chesterfield, Virginia office. Call (804) 531-5700 to book an appointment today.